Latest Updates on a Second Stimulus Package...

Pelosi made appearances on several news shows over the past weekend. One of the topics she focused on was a second stimulus bill. 

Pelosi feels strongly that a new stimulus deal can be reached before the election. One of the reasons she feels more confident now than in the past, is that the democrats have agreed to trim down their stimulus proposal to appease the republicans. She hopes that by doing this a new deal can be reached quickly, and signed by the president at the end of next week. 

There are also some politicians who support Mark Cuban's stimulus proposal. Not sure if his proposal will appeal to republicans or the president -- but it definitely appeals to most average working Americans. 

Mnuchin and Powell have stated that there is billions of dollars of unused aid that could be re-allocated for a second stimulus package. How can so much money just be laying around when there are so many in need?

For further details on the above, checkout the articles below...

Which Politicians Support Mark Cuban's Idea for $1,000 Stimulus Check Every Two Weeks?

SOURCE:  Katherine Fung, Newsweek on MSN

Hundreds of billions of dollars in unused aid could be reallocated, say Fed Chair Powell and Secretary Mnuchin

SOURCE:  Reuters on NBC News

Pelosi believes coronavirus stimulus deal still possible as Democrats prepare new package

SOURCE:  Emma Newburger, CNBC


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