Coronavirus Patients Get Surprise Medical Bills & Landlords Face Financial Hardships From Lenders and Tenants

 I know renters are having a hard time -- but so are a lot of landlords. Many landlords are not getting rent from tenants, which means they can't pay their mortgage. This is a lose-lose situation for everybody.

I think there should be some type of cap put on medial bills for coronavirus patients. If you read the article below, a woman was charged over $50,000 for a medical helicopter ride. This doesn't include hospital charges.

Landlords are getting squeezed between tenants and lenders

SOURCE: Anne D'Innocenzio, Associated Press (via Yahoo News)

A $52,112 Helicopter Ride: Coronavirus Patients Battle Surprise Medical Bills

SOURCE:  Sarah Kliff, The New York Times  (via Yahoo News)


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